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    8 Web Design Mistakes That Are Hurting Your ROI and How to Fix Them
    Dusan Nedeljkovic
    September 24, 2024
    4 Mins

    8 Web Design Mistakes That Are Hurting Your ROI and How to Fix Them

    8 Web Design Mistakes That Are Hurting Your ROI and How to Fix Them
    Table of Contents

      Dubai web design is like a puzzle. Connecting different design pieces, web designers in Dubai make converting digital creations – websites. 

      However, not everything about web design in Dubai is related to designing visually perfect websites. No, every web designer must consider the user journey and prioritize user experience when designing. 

      In this user experience/web design mixture, some mistakes can sneak in easily, and in today’s article, we will talk about them. Stay until the end, and discover the top 8 most common web design mistakes and how to fix them!

      Why Fix Web Design Mistakes In The First Place?

      Web design in Dubai isn't only about structuring a perfect website's anatomy. Okay, you have your header and footer, brand kit, nav bar, and menu, but you must place everything with a thought of how the user will perceive it. 

      At this point, many web designers make the most common mistakes, and sometimes fixing them is more difficult than getting things done right from the start. But why fix web design mistakes if you, or your client like what you’ve done?

      We will break the answer into 3 points:

      • Web design mistakes affect a website’s usability: There’s no point in having a beautiful website if its usability is poor. If you don’t want the user to leave your website before getting the chance to see your offer – the user-first approach must be your guide.
      • Web design mistakes will negatively affect SEO: It’s not a new thing that Google prioritizes speed, therefore bad user experience can damage your SEO.
      • With web design mistakes you’re limiting your audience: Non-responsive web design combined with a high mobile user rate in Dubai will keep users away from your website, so you’re limiting your audience to desktop users from the start.
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      With clear intent and putting user experience at the top of your priorities, you will create successful websites. 

      But before you even start designing a website, you need to know the most common web design mistakes, and how to fix them. Let's get straight to them!

      #1 Lack of Clear Navigation

      Navigation is one of the most important parts of a website’s anatomy, but if you make it too complex and confusing you will make users' experience hard and frustrating. If you want to make users leave your website the second after they don’t find what they’re looking for – you made the first web design mistake. The average user will land on your website to get more information about what you do, but if in all your web design mess they don’t get their path to it, you risk losing potential customers.

      Solution: Let your website be sparkling and vivid, but keep navigation simple, predictable - intuitive, and easy to follow.

      #2 Ignoring Mobile Responsiveness

      If there’s one thing that all of Dubai's web design pieces should pay attention to it would be mobile optimization. Dubai is known for its high rate of mobile users, therefore if your website isn’t responsive for mobile screens, ouch, you made another web design mistake! It’s a fact that over 50% of global traffic comes from phones, so responsiveness goes beyond web design trends, and it must be prioritized if you want to increase your ROI.

      Solution: Mobile responsiveness will affect user experience and SEO, so never forget to adapt your website to different screen sizes.

      #3 Slow Page Load Time

      In 2024 an average website should load very fast, and you’re making web design mistakes – if your website takes ages to load. Slow-loading websites are bad for user experience, but similar to mistake #2, bad for SEO. If ROI is one of the targeted goals – the website’s loading speed should be one of the main web design priorities.

      Solution: Skip heavy assets and large codes to prevent poor optimization, and start using CDN (Content Delivery Network).

      #4 Overloading with Content or Features

      Another common web design mistake is overloading your website with content and features. Yes, we all want to present our website in the best possible light, but don’t bombard users with too much text, colors, forms, and other features! This can produce a contra effect, and instead of getting traffic on your website, you can reject users. Because how will they find what they’re looking for if you marked everything as important?! Overloading content produces too many sensations, makes your website hard to load, and simply isn’t fully applicable to mobiles.

      Solution: Go with high-quality content, but keep only essential features.

      #5 Poor Use of Typography and Color

      When we talk about typography and colors, balance is your best friend. First, you need to apply your brand colors to your website. Second, you must balance everything to get a polished and professional visual appearance. Third, make everything clean and visible. When your website is out of color balance, with too many different fonts and poor contrast, you can cause discomfort in users.

      Solution: Align everything, including the right spacing, and make sure that the contrast on your website is good. Also, don’t use more than 2 to 3 fonts, while following your brand guide.

      #6 Lack of Feedback or Interaction Cues

      If you don’t want to make users feel confused about their actions you will need to include cues. The best thing you can do here is to provide users with clear feedback after they take some action, such as clicking buttons or submitting forms. Also, those effects should be incorporated into clickable elements with clear intent that guides toward action.

      Solution: Always make sure all interactive elements are easy to detect and enhance user confidence and engagement.

      #7 Poor Accessibility Considerations

      One more web design mistake that can be often seen is the lack of website accessibility. If you want to reach all users interested in what you do you need to alt text for images and create a logical heading structure. 

      Solution: Include good and contrast to make text easily readable for everyone with a keyboard accommodating for users with mobility challenges.

      #8 Unclear Call-to-Action (CTA) Placement

      CTAs go hand in hand with great content and attractive web design. CTAs are an important part of guiding users to make an action, and if you don’t find the right placement for them, you will make another web design mistake. When we talk about CTAs, their clarity, and visibility are key, so don’t try to hide those or use confusing language if you want the user’s actions to lead to conversion.

      Solution: Place CTAs in visible areas, and make sure they are clear and actionable.

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      8 Web Design Mistakes That Are Hurting Your ROI and How to Fix Them
      Dusan Nedeljkovic
      September 24, 2024
      4 Mins

      Frontend Developer/Webflow Expert as a versatile person who is in love with digital development, I have integrated various skills that help me to be successful in my job. I have been involved in Web Development for more than 4 years and until today I worked on over 70 projects. Through my work, i integrated my knowledge from creating custom code pages using programming languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) to creating advanced Webflow websites. Experience in the digital field has also given me advanced use of design tools such as Figma and Adobe programs. I'm motivated and always seeking personal and professional growth. Good organization and respect for deadlines and processes give me the fuel to always be on top of all tasks. To take my knowledge to a higher level, I have perfected research for clients and websites, as well as site map creation. Being well-organized, working in a professional and dynamic environment, having good energy, and pushing the limits motivate me to be the best in my job.

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