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    How to Write Great Blogs and Attract Users in Dubai - A Complete Guide
    Ivana Poposka
    August 22, 2024
    6 Mins

    How to Write Great Blogs and Attract Users in Dubai - A Complete Guide

    How to Write Great Blogs and Attract Users in Dubai - A Complete Guide
    Table of Contents

      Writing, deleting, playing with words – blogging is one of the best methods to get closer to your audience, attract new visitors, and talk about your business.

      If you know your industry well, and have some hot tips, ideas, and thoughts about it – start writing blogs. It's a fact that blog content can benefit your Dubai business in many ways, and with a regular blogging practice, you will certainly see your business visibility expand.

      First, with blogging your business will gain some extra trustworthiness and credibility points. Second, you will be able to get high on the search engines. Sounds good, right?

      But you have to be aware that blogging is more than just writing words on a certain topic. Moreover, for blogging to be successful you will need to have strong storytelling skills, some SEO knowledge, and a great sense of engaging users.

      Luckily, we know how to write great blogs, so we’d be more than happy to share our best tips on writing a blog that converts.

      Why Is Blogging So Effective?

      As we said, blogging is more than writing a text based on a certain topic from your Dubai business industry. Rather, a blog is one of the ways of creating content for websites but wrapped in effective storytelling.

      By definition, blogging is writing articles on various topics related to a specific industry or business. What differentiates blog content from other forms is that most blog content is written in a natural, semi-informal tone that is easier and more pleasing to read.

      When we talk about blog content for Dubai business, we should spotlight that:

      • blogs should be engaging, focusing on the audience’s needs
      • blogs should be easy and pleasant to read, regarding the best blogging practices
      • blogs should be regularly posted
      • blogs should be related to the business’s products, and services
      • blog tone should be aligned with the brand tone

      Even if the blog content is always around standard models of articles, you can always play around with formats, and introduce new ways of blogging practice.

      If you need a Dubai content marketing strategy for your business, contact 11 Digital. Our content experts are at your service ready to create content that will make users keep back for more!

      Five Reasons Why You Should Start With Blogging

      Five Reasons Why You Should Start With Blogging

      Blogging is like a friendly guy who works for your business - he knows everything, and he's more than pleasant to talk with. But to have a successful blog section on your website you will need a strong motive to launch all of your creative power.

      Here are the top 5 reasons that can motivate you to start writing blog content for your Dubai business.

      Your website will get more visitors

      The more you chat in your blogs about interesting and useful things related to your industry, the higher are the chances of ranking well on search engines.

      Writing blogs that make users curious can lead to increased organic traffic and have a positive impact on your SEO performance.

      You will seem like an expert

      Blogging is one of the best ways to showcase that you know stuff about your industry. When you’re well-known with your audience, you are in a great position to talk about their common challenges and provide solutions for them which will position your business as an expert.

      People will come back for more

      Blogs are like free samples, and if you put all of your creative focus on them – people will come back for more. Once you find a style that your audience will love, you will start your blogging era that will positively reflect on everything you do.

      Blogging is free

      Blogging is free, and this is one of the main reasons why you should start with writing content. The wide range of benefits you get from writing blog articles is priceless, and starting a blog costs almost zero.

      You can also share your blog content on your profiles on social media, or turn them into short and interesting posts. In both cases, blogging will get you in a win-win situation - you will invest your knowledge and writing skills - and get real results.

      Multilingual benefit

      If you’re running a business in Dubai you are facing multilanguage culture. But writing blogs on universal topics from your industry, and translating them later into Arabic will give you many options for attracting users.

      This way you can target both local SEO, as well as global, and make sure you break language barriers easily.

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      How to Write a Great Blog for Your Dubai Business

      How to Write a Great Blog for Your Dubai Business

      Now we will quickly go through the useful tips that can help you write a great blog article.

      Be honest

      In the era of artificial intelligence and language models, we’re facing a lot of content that is generically made. But blogging isn’t something you should leave without your honest thoughts and some sort of ‘human touch’.

      Even if your competitors are writing blog articles on the same topic as you, your writing style, your point of view, and your authentic experience will make it different.

      Always know to who you are talking to

      Knowing who you’re addressing will help you in creating blog content. If you’re running a restaurant and you want to attract tourists, your blog topics should be wisely made around common challenges tourists in Dubai face when it comes to choosing a restaurant.

      You can write about food recommendations, and dish explanations, or make a restaurant guide. Just always keep your focus on the audience you want to attract.

      Make a plan

      Blogging without having a plan can make your content messy, therefore make sure you always know what, why, and when you will post. To make this process easier, you can split your blogs into categories making it easy for users to explore, navigate, and find what they’re looking for.

      Be consistent

      This brings us to the next tip – be consistent. When you have a plan you can always have something prepared for your blog content. This will prevent you from putting dust on your blog section and add an extra layer of trustworthiness.

      This also refers to choosing popular topics, and topics that your audience finds useful. Always do your research before you start blogging, and keep the posting curve up.

      Don’t go too far in writing

      Blogging isn’t about barking around with fancy, academic terms because you want to attract real people to your website. So you certainly don’t want your blogs to be too lengthy or hard to understand and read. 

      Keep it concise, mention everything important, and enrich your blogs with valuable links to explain some terms in more depth.

      Write blogs you’d want to read

      Make sure you write blogs that you’d want to read is the attitude we’re looking for. Start with a catchy title, briefly introduce users to a topic, and release your storytelling creativity by building the blog’s body. Finish with the conclusion, and implement FAQ if needed.

      Optimize a blog

      When you choose a topic for your next blog do keyword research and find one main and a few secondary keywords that will be a core of your optimization.

      But, please don’t be too spammy with keywords because you will make your blog exhausting and boring to read. Always has a user-first approach and focuses on how you can help your reader, rather than how you will get first on Google.

      Add some visuals

      Adding assets to your blog is a great way to illustrate the topic, and visually enrich a complex storytelling. Images within the blogs are a great way of stoppers that can be useful as a way of mini breaks before each paragraph.

      You can also include some infographics, tables, or videos to get readers as much as they can closer to the topic.

      Blogs Are A Playful Way of Promoting Your Business

      Blogs Are A Playful Way of Promoting Your Business

      Words are powerful, and it seems like there's no better way to spread your brand's message than writing a blog.

      The consistency of blogs, writing style, and some playfulness are the sweet 3 features of every blog section. It seems like options and imaginative possibilities for blogging are unlimited, so if you want to ride this wave of creativity - start writing blogs.

      And don't forget to play! Even the most serious business topics can be turned into vivid blogs - and that's the true power of storytelling.

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      How to Write Great Blogs and Attract Users in Dubai - A Complete Guide
      Ivana Poposka
      August 22, 2024
      6 Mins

      With over four years of experience in graphic design and copywriting, I have developed a versatile skill set that produces captivating content. My extensive background in digital marketing and SEO content writing also allows me to formulate effective content strategies that align with business goals. My ultimate mission? To create a killer content strategy that boosts your business to the top. And here's a hot tip: nothing sells like giving away free value.

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